Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Our trips to town are pretty infrequent compared to the average Joe. They usually consist of a trip to the grocery store, a bite to eat and when we're lucky, Pa and I take turns running into a few of our fave thrift stores. 
Since Rupi was born, we've had maybe a handful of moments when Pa and I have been brave enough to take all 4 into the store at once. I've seen that "one mom" with one kid crying in the basket, one running off, or grabbing candy despite her request not to, the others nagging the lady in the check out for their own special bag and well...you get the idea and now I'm totally that lady.  But, this day we were feeling brave and decided that a trip to the park before running errands sounded like a good way to reduce the chance of meltdowns.
The kids love Dinosaur Caves Park in Pismo Beach. It's pretty simple. It sits up high on a cliff so the views of the ocean are beautiful (and a little scary). It has a couple of infant swings, one tire swing, a few big dinosaur eggs you can sit inside of, a bunch of beached whales and dolphins to climb on and plenty of room to run....

Inspired by Zissou

Free willy

Forced smiles

We parked it for a good hour and then hit the stores....dun dun dun...
Our first store was supposed to be a quick grab and go of dog food and baby wipes and ended up walking out with school books (not complaining), neon pens, notebooks with kittens on the cover, candles (if you can't beat them, join them) and battled against the sugar bugs in the check out.
The grocery store was going pretty well, compared to the other family with the toddler that crashed his mini cart into barrels of expensive wine (more then once), and then Amelie decided she couldn't leave without a dozen roses and sunflowers. But, I will say, they do look and smell beautiful in the house...

We survived, and we may do it again, just not anytime soon.

-Ma Fern

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